Welcome to the JotKulture's Online Courses on Trademarks and Cultural Intellectual Property!

Are you Tight on Time? 

Are you a time-pressed entrepreneur or creative? Are you active on social media? Maybe you own a photography business, a catering business, website design, home design, or construction business. You have a hundred things to do. You know very business needs to protect its intellectual property. But what does that mean? And how can you learn what you need to know – and fast! It can get technical but Cultural Qs IP for the People teaches you the essentials you need – you will gain valuable knowledge in short 10 minute segments - so you don’t waste time or lose your investment. 

Your Teacher

Our comprehensive curriculum is designed and delivered by Jan Osei-Tutu, a distinguished university professor in trademark law and a renowned cultural IP consultant.

We aim to empower entrepreneurs and small businesses with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their ideas, brands, and creative works while fostering respect for cultural intellectual property.

In an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, trademarks and cultural intellectual property play a crucial role in safeguarding innovation, creativity, and cultural heritage. Our courses provide a solid understanding of the legal frameworks, principles, and best practices surrounding these vital areas.

Participants will gain insights into the essentials of trademark law, learning how to understand trademark rights before and after registration, and things to think about if you sell or source your products internationally.

Jan adds a unique and global perspective to the courses, providing invaluable insights into the nuances of protecting and respecting cultural expressions and traditional knowledge.

Join JotKulture Cultural Q's and have industry experts break down complex matters around trademarks and IP.

Meet Our Founder

I am an author, attorney and educator.  My unique cultural background and my specific expertise in trademarks, cultural intellectual property, international law, and human rights give me just the tools I need to help you!

I used to practice as an intellectual property Legal Counsel to the Patent & Trademark Office in Canada and am currently teaching Trademark Law at Florida International University (FIU).

Educational background: University of Toronto. Queen’s Law. McGill Law.